Printable Sheets

NeuroVisual Trainer features a comprehensive library of printable charts and activity sheets, essential for many of NVT's Video Exercises, such as Hart Charts, Circle Square, Directional Arrows, and Fusion Cards. Each sheet can be configured with different options, and many are procedurally generated, prividing a unique chart every time you print. This means your clinic can access an effectively infinite number of Hart Charts, Slap Taps, Saccadic Scanning Sheets, and much more. Additionally, you can also easily upload PDF files of your own printables to supplement what is already included in NVT.

  • Just click the Printable Sheets tab from the dashboard on the left side of your My Clinic page to begin browsing:

  • Click on the printable of your choice. For charts with different configuration options a series of drop-downs will appear, allowing you to customize the chart for your needs:

  • You can print a supply of sheets and charts to send home with your patients for thier home practice, or you can give them access to the Printable Sheets library, so they can print what they need at home.
    • Click the Patient's "Assign Exercises" window:

  • Then click into the "Tools and Permissions" drop-down menu, where you will find a checkbox to grand or deny the patient access to Printable Sheets (as well as Tools and their own Progress Reports).

  • If you are going to have your patients print their own sheets & charts at home, be sure to specify in your Special Instructions which ones they need for each Exercise, and what configuration options you'd like them to use, if needed:

Custom Printables

NeuroVisual Trainer offers a wide range of standard charts used in Vision Therapy. However, we understand that Vision Therapists are a creative group, and it’s impossible to include every chart or activity sheet used by every clinic. That’s why we’ve made it simple and easy to upload your own custom printables. Use this feature to add all your VT-related documents, including information sheets, VT contracts, reference materials, and more. You can also share your Clinic's custom printables to NVT's Community Content!

  • To add your favorite printables to your clinic's NVT library start from the main Printable Sheets menu, and click the blue CREATE PRINTABLE SHEET button:

  • In the upload/editing window that follows, simply give your new printable document a Title and Description.
  • Click the "Select PDF" bar to locate and upload the file from your computer.

  • You also have the option to check the box to share your document with other NVT clinics via Community Content.
  • Don't forget to click the blue CREATE button to save your document:

  • Your new custom document will be listed alphabetically with the rest of NVT's Printable Sheets.
    • You can also use the search bar to locate documents by Title, or by any keywords found in the Descriptions.
  • You can always go back and Edit your document's Title, Description, or even upload an updated PDF:

  • Your document is listed as "Private" by default, unless you have opted to share it to NVT's Community Content. You can change this at any time in the "Edit" view:

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