
NeuroVisual Trainer's Grids can save you loads of time programming your patients' Vision Therapy home practice. Create Grid Sets for curated collections of Exercises and Videos for a specific purpose, visual skill, diagnosis, or whatever else you may want or need. Grid Schedules take that one step further by adding Exercises and Videos to a timeline, where you can integrate patient progression of a period of weeks.

Think of Grids as templates that allow you to assign multiple Exercises to a patient with just a click. Of course every patient is an individual, and adjustments may be necessary, in order to accommodate a patient's particular needs or abilities. Once a Grid has been assigned, you can then edit a patient's assignments as needed.

  • To get started, just click "Grids" from the dashboard menu on the left of your screen:

Grid Sets

Grid Sets are essentially static lists of Exercises and/or Videos that are selected and configured for specific purposes, such as a particular diagnosis, visual skill, vision problem, or patient demographic. Once your clinic has created a library of Grid Sets, you can assign them to your patients with just a click!

Creating Grid Sets:

  • Give your new Grid Set a title, and a brief description of its purpose or use cases.
  • Next, use the blue "+" button to add Exercises and/or Videos to your new Set, one at a time, configuring each one, and adding any desired Special instructions as you go.

  • Before long, you will have a nice, curated set of Exercises. When you're satisfied, click Save Set:

Grid Schedules

Grid Schedules are dynamic collections of Exercises and/or Videos that are selected and configured for specific purposes, but organized on a timeline. Once assigned, the patient is guided through their home therapy assignments with built-in progression, refreshing each week with new activities and increasing difficulty.

Creating Grid Schedules:

  • Give your new Grid Set a title, and a brief description of its purpose or use cases.
    • You'll also be presented with a blank timeline. Use the blue buttons at the top to add Exercises or additional weeks:

  • As you fill in your timeline, you can click & drag to move exercises around on the timeline.
    • You can also click & drag the right-hand edge of each Exercise to extend or reduce its duration on the timeline.
    • You can also duplicate Exercises, to quickly add another instance of it to the timeline, and as usual, you can edit to configure each exercise according to the purpose of your Grid Schedule, and preview the Exercises to make sure they are set up exactly how you want:

  • Shen you are happy with your Grid Schedule, click SAVE SCHEDULE.

Assigning a Grid to a Patient

  • From a patient's "Assign Exercises" menu, select your desired Grid format (Set or Schedule) from the "Assignment" dropdown:

  • Choose the Grid Set or Schedule you want to assign:

  • If you assigned a Grid Set, you can click Manual Assignment to see the assigned Exercises, so you can preview and edit them, add or delete exercises to further customize the assignments to this individual patient. When you are satisfied, click SAVE EXERCISES:

  • If you assign a Grid Schedule, choose the desired Grid Schedule from the dropdown. Then you can click the CUSTOMIZE button to make any alterations to tailor the schedule to this patient's needs. You can also select the day of the week that NVT will update the patient's assignments to the following week's Exercises. You can even select which week of the Schedule you want the patient to start on!
    • When you're done, don't forget to click SAVE EXERCISES:

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