Assigning Exercises to a Patient

The core purpose of NeuroVisual Trainer is to provide Optometrists and Vision Therapists with a robust set of resources and tools. Our goal is to make it easy and convenient for you to assign Vision Therapy exercises to your patients for home practice, fully customized to their individual needs and abilities.

Additionally, NeuroVisual Trainer allows your patients to access these assignments from anywhere, on any internet-connected device. This accessibility helps keep patients engaged and accountable. It also enables them to provide contemporaneous feedback, giving you valuable insights into their progress between office visits.

  • Scroll down to find the patient for whom you would like to assign exercises. You can also use the search bar at the top of your screen to find them faster.
  • For each client who has accepted their invitation, you’ll see four icons to the right side of the page. The third icon (3 lines & 3 dots) is for ASSIGN EXERCISES:
Click it!
  • From the top dropdown menu, labelled "Assignment," you'll be able to choose to add exercises by selecting MANUAL (adding and configuring exercises one at a time), or you can add multiple exercises at once from GRID SET or GRID SCHEDULE (if your clinic has created any; see related article).  
    • Once you've made your first selection, add any Exercises, Sets or Schedules by clicking the blue "+" icon to the right. 

  • If you have chosen MANUAL, you can then pick from INTERACTIVE EXERCISES or VIDEO EXERCISES, or any of the handy tools in OTHER MISC. 
    • Note that any CUSTOM EXERCISES your clinic has created will be found in the VIDEO EXERCISES menu.

Interactive Exercises

  • NeuroVisual Trainer features dozens of Interactive Exercises, for patients to do on their computer or tablet. Upon each completion of an Exercise, NVT captures all manner of statistical data that is automatically saved to the patient's Progress Reports for easy review by Clinic Staff & Admin.

Exercise Configuration & Customization

  • If you have assigned an Interactive Exercise to a patient, you can set & tweak various parameters to best suit their individual needs and abilities (difficulty level, duration, use of anaglyph glasses, etc). These configuration options vary from Exercise to Exercise, so take some time to explore your options.

  • Some Exercises also have "Advanced Configuration" options; click the dropdown to reveal even more choices for how to set up these exercises for your patients:

  • Once you've got the Exercise configured how you want it, be sure to hit the SAVE button at the lower left corner.
    • If you want to try out the Exercise as you have it configured, to make sure it's set up exactly how you want for this particular patient, you can do so by clicking the preview button:

Renaming an Exercise

  • You may want to assign multiple configurations of the same Exercise to a patient. In these cases, you can alter the title of an Exercise to help the patient tell them apart, and to make the relevant data in their Progress Reports more easily understood:
  • Say you want to assign Random Dot Divergence for both near and distance:
    • Assign the Exercise, and edit the Title as desired.
      • For example, most of NVT's Vergence Exercises can be configured with a Custom Working Distance that changes how the Exercise is displayed without the patient having to change their default Working Distance in the CALIBRATE menu.


You can save favorite configurations of NVT's interactive Exercises, complete with Special Instructions as Presets that can be easily loaded, then edited if needed, whenever you are assigning Exercises to a patient or adding them to a Grid.

Creating & Saving Presets:

  • Open the desired Exercise either from the main dashboard menu, from a patient's "assign Exercises" menu, or from a Grid.
  • Click the Presets dropdown near the top right of the configuration window:

  • If this is your first Preset for a given Exercise, click CREATE NEW PRESET:

  • If you configured the Exercise before clicking CREATE NEW PRESET, NVT will import those settings. Otherwise, name and configure the Exercise as desired.
    • Titles and Descriptions are searchable, allowing you to quickly find and access your saved Presets when using the search bar in NVTs other menus.

  • When you're all finished, don't forget to scroll all the way to the bottom and click SAVE!

Loading Saved Presets:

  • Open the desired Exercise either from the main dashboard menu, from a patient's "assign Exercises" menu, or from a Grid. Click on the desired saved Preset to load its settings.
    • You can also edit your saved Presets from here.

Video Exercises

  • NeuroVisual Trainer also comes pre-loaded with a vast (and growing) library of freespace vision therapy activities, where patients can practice engaging their visual system with their bodies, other objects, and the space around them. Brock Strings, Hart Charts, Bean Bag Toss, Marble Roll, you name it...and if there is an exercise your VT clinic likes to do, NVT makes it quick and easy to create your own custom Exercises, which will also be found in the Videos menu.

Special Instructions

  • If there are any special modifications, reminders, or words of advice you'd like to pass along to your patients, be sure to add them in the "Special Instructions" field:

Other Miscellaneous Exercises & Tools

  • Tucked away below the main Exercises, you'll find the "Other Misc" menu. Here you'll find some handy and very flexible tools that will help you further customize your patient's home practice:

    • These can be virtually anything you need them to be. Get creative!

Custom One-Off

  • This is a single-use, standalone exercise or task, that will be assigned just this one time, for just this one patient.

Section Header

  • This is a way to bookmark, segment, organize, or otherwise add something important to your patient's assignments:

  • New assignments are placed at the bottom of the patient's list. Just click and drag to reorder them in the sequence:

    • Here's how this Section Header looks when the patient logs in at home:

  • Click here to see another idea; how to use Section Header as a Message Board to communicate with your patients in NVT.


  • Use Questions to take a survey, gain insight into your patients' well-being, or any other question you may want them to answer. There are lots of options, so be creative!

  • Here's how this might look when your patient logs in:

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