Use Section Header to add a "Message Board" for your patients

Whenever a patient completes an exercise or video in NeuroVisual Trainer, they are prompted to leave comments for their vision therapy providers. This contemporaneous feedback is a valuable tool for keeping tabs on your patients when doing their therapy at home, and for evaluating the efficacy of the their assigned exercises. But what if you want to respond to them, or leave any other kind of message, without hoping they check their email?

You can add a kind of "message board" to your patients' profiles, where you can respond to their feedback/comments, or pass along any information you'd like them to receive before their next office visit:

  • Click the "Assign Exercises" button on your patient's dashboard.
  • From the Manual Assignment menu, click "Section Header" from the "Other Misc" dropdown:
  • Label your new Section header "Message Board" or "Notes from your Vision Therapy Team" or anything else you like. Then drag it to wherever you want it to appear in that patient's VT exercises program. Hit the Edit button, and write whatever information you want to in it:
  • You patient will see it like this when they log in at home:

This use of the Section Header feature is strictly for one-way communication, as the patient does not have the ability to edit or add to the Section Header; they will continue to use the Feedback and comments feature.

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