How do I create a Test User account?

Every NeuroVisual Trainer clinic account is allowed two Test User accounts to use for training and orientation purposes. 

These patient accounts are your sandbox! They are yours to play with, and are not subject to billing. Please use them to explore all of NVT's possibilities in your practice.

First you'll need to "invite" your new Test User, same as any other patient account. Click INVITE PATIENT right from your NVT home page:


Use a secondary email address not already being used for an NVT account (NVT only allows for one account per email address, per clinic), like a personal vs your professional email. 

Next, enter a First Name and Last Name for your Test User (have fun!), send yourself the invite, then go to your inbox to open the email, and activate the account.

Back in NVT, locate your new account, and click "View and Edit User."
Under the BILLING dropdown, select Test User.

We hope you find this functionality useful, and that it gives you an opportunity to more freely explore all that NVT has to offer.

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