
  • NeuroVisual Trainer offers two models for automatic monthly billing: Clinic Pays, and Patient Pays.
  • In your clinic's BILLING tab (Administrator access is required), you will see an option to select "Clinic Pays" or "Patient Pays" as your default payment preference. Don't worry, you can still change this selection on a case-by-case basis; this is only to specify a default setting:

  • We also offer a Yearly Subscription, which allows for unlimited patient accounts for a flat rate, billed annually.
  • Pricing varies by country, and we try our best to price things in local currency according to local exchange rates. In cases where we do not bill in local currencies, your account will be billed in USD. Be sure to review pricing details on your NVT Billing page.
    • *A NeuroVisual Trainer Clinic account is required to view pricing information; sign-up here if you don't already have an account.
  • We only charge for patient access; regardless of which billing option you choose, staff accounts are always free.  You're welcome to use NeuroVisual Trainer's exercises, tools, and resources in-clinic, without patient accounts, at no cost.

Your NVT Billing Page

All the information you need as pertains to your clinic's billing can be found in the BILLING tab, near the top right of your clinic's My Clinic page (Administrator access is required to view & manage billing):

  • Here, you can view NeuroVisual Trainer's current pricing (in local currency, where available), update your credit card information on file, and review all of your past invoices:
    • Click on "Invoice" or "Receipt" for a PDF of the document.
    • Click "Patients" for a list of all patient accounts for which your clinic was billed that month, along with the date ranges that they were active during that billing cycle.

Clinic Pays

We offer two different pricing models for patient access, billed to your clinic's credit card on file:

Automatic Monthly Billing

  • We bill you only for enrolled (non-archived) patient accounts on a monthly basis. If a patient appears on your My Clinic page, they are subject to billing. When your patient graduates or completes their vision therapy, simply archive them to store their data, and remove them from your billed licenses.  We count a patient as enrolled if they have accepted their invite and are not archived.  Unaccepted invites and archived patients do not count toward billing.
  • Your monthly billing cycle begins & ends the day that your free trial expires.
    • If there is another date during the month that works better for your business & accounting needs, please contact us and we will be happy to assist with adjusting your billing date.
  • At the end of the one-month billing period, you will be charged for the maximum number patient seats held at one time.
    • Think about patient licenses as "seats." It doesn’t matter who is in the seat, only how many seats you’re using at a time. For example, if “John” is enrolled, and you archive his account on the 14th, and "Susan" accepts her invitation on the 16th, the single license covers both users that month. Susan has simply taken John's vacated seat.
  • Pricing information for this option can be found under the BILLING tab on your NVT My Clinic page.

Unlimited Yearly Subscription

  • For clinics that average around 30 enrolled patients at a given time, it may be more cost-effective to consider a Yearly Subscription, which allows for an unlimited number of enrolled patients at a flat rate, billed annually. Pricing for an Unlimited Yearly license can be found on the Billing page of your NeuroVisual Trainer account.  To purchase an unlimited license, please contact us.
    • Some clinics do not necessarily have enough patients in active therapy to justify the Yearly Subscription, but continue use NeuroVisual Trainer to keep their patients on a maintenance plan, assigning exercises in NVT even after they have completed their main therapy. These clinics charge their patients whatever fees are appropriate for their business needs (or convert them to Patient Pays)

Patient Pays

  • NeuroVisual Trainer also has the option to bill patients directly for their access.
  • When you click INVITE PATIENT, you can select whether they will be billed directly, or to your clinic's card on file. If you choose "Patient Pays," the patient will be prompted to enter their credit card information as they finish setting up their NeuroVisual Trainer account:

  • If you want to change the billing preference an existing patient, just click the View and Edit User button on their account, and select it from the dropdown.

  • Once Patient Pays is selected, the patient will be prompted to enter their payment information the next time they log into NeuroVisual Trainer, and their credit card will be billed automatically each month that they are active in your clinic's NeuroVisual Trainer account. 
  • Given the importance of security in online transactions, please rest assured that your patients' payment information is encrypted and securely processed by one of the most trusted payment processing platforms in the industry - the very same platform that we use to securely processing your clinic's payments. 
  • Staff members with Administrator access can review all the details regarding Patient Pay, including rates, in the BILLING tab of your NeuroVisual Trainer clinic account.

Free for Educational Use

  • We are proud to offer NeuroVisual Trainer at no cost for educational use. If you're teaching Optometry/Vision Therapy at an accredited university or college, please contact us for details on free unlimited use in the classroom for you and your students.
  • This offer also extends to non-profit Vision Therapy and Optometry clinics affiliated with accredited colleges or universities. 

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